Explore Your World

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Dieting Status

I'm back from my vacation and the scale is showing 212 lbs. That's right, I gained between 5-10 lbs in the past two weeks, depending on who you ask. So here I am at my office drinking my second liter of water for the day and prepping for Capoeira tonight. Kate and I are going to start waking up at 6 AM every day (with no required sleeping time) as per Steve Pavlina's blog entry on How to Become an Early Riser. After 15-20 minutes of preparation, it's off to the gym for 60+ minutes of cardio. My goal is to weigh 185 lbs by March 15, 2007, so the race is on. Today so far I've had a tab energy drink (5 cals), a salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing, and soon two apples. After two hours of capoeira, I should be able to take on the delicious pasta Kate made the other day.


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