Explore Your World

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Crazy Headache

Day 2 @ ~95% (took off 5% for the cup of black coffee I had earlier today)

It's almost midnight. I have a horrible headache. I hope it's the detox.

Tomorrow I'll pick up some more juice before going on site and also some of my failsafe drink, coconut water.

Day 2 100%

Well, I'm still having black coffee. I'm working in a place where I can't leave until the day is over, so I have two big juices before I come in, then I race to the juice bar afterward. The only greens at the juice bar are celery and cucumber so I always have those. This is actually not that tough to maintain as long as I have convenient access to a juice bar. I think I'll need to scout out all the locations and times where I travel frequently so I can quickly grab something without thinking about it.

But let's see if I can make it a week. This weekend I'll be locking myself into my house and only juicing. If I can make a week... who knows, maybe I can make two!

I want the glow! The glow is my goal.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I figured it out...

Raw food is the key.