Month of Veganity
I got tired of the Paleo diet -- I would always find myself gorging on meat. Then, eventually, I got disgusted by it. Far too much animal flesh. Plus, the memories of the China Study continue to loom in the back of my head. So I decided to start a "month of veganity", which basically means I'm going to be 100% vegan for 30 days. After that, I may throttle back to Paleo, but who knows, maybe I'll stick with it. ;) My diet will basically be what is referred to as HRAV (High Raw, All Vegan). The majority of my intake (fruit a la carte, smoothies, salads) will be raw, but I'll have some cooked vegan meals as well. The key to doing well on a vegan diet is to keep it simple, whole foods. Nothing processed, no refined sugars, no crap (technically you can eat french fries on a vegan diet). I think the HRAV component will help there.
I ordered three more copies of the China Study this weekend! That's a total of about 6 this past week. My sister ordered the audio CD versions for a few friends as Christmas presents. I think I am personally paying for Dr. Colin Campbell's retirement.
Good times in Seattle. I again realized that I don't miss the city at all, but I do miss a lot of people up there. Perhaps some day I can get a summer house up there. For now, I've got to focus on saving the world. (I am Ironman)
I ordered three more copies of the China Study this weekend! That's a total of about 6 this past week. My sister ordered the audio CD versions for a few friends as Christmas presents. I think I am personally paying for Dr. Colin Campbell's retirement.
Good times in Seattle. I again realized that I don't miss the city at all, but I do miss a lot of people up there. Perhaps some day I can get a summer house up there. For now, I've got to focus on saving the world. (I am Ironman)