Explore Your World

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I declare war on my sinuses

After 8 years of sheer terror, pain, and discomfort, I am confident I have finally found what has been plaguing me. Some called it the Cornell cough, some thought it was entirely mental, and others thought I was making it up as an excuse to be antisocial. After a recent visit to a new ENT in Mordor, I firmly believe that what has been plaguing me all these years is chronic sinusitis. And I have proof...

So I finally found a good ENT in the area who could take a look at my condition. On the first visit he probed my nasal passageways and saw gross sinus infection. We did a CT-scan and saw that my sinus cavities (which should be black) were almost entirely filled, like the rest of my brain. I have the digital copies here on my computer and I'll post the pictures eventually. :)

Basically I have had blocked sinuses for years now. What caused it? Who knows. We did a culture and the results will be back in a week. In the short term, I have the weapons I need to declare a full-out scorched earth policy on my sinuses. We have dispatched three legions to the front; their orders are to destroy every single infection point. Leave not a single invader standing, like Carthage of old.

The legions names are Irrigation (Neti pot), Augmentin (amox), and Nasoflex or whatever it's called. We will deploy our forces over 2-4 weeks, see how we crush the enemy, and if the worst case scenario is true, we will resort to a full nuclear attack (sinus surgery).

This has been my P1 for 2009. It's almost August. I will not give up. Everything else is P2 to this.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I love my new MacBook Pro

I recently switched work laptops to a new 13" MacBook Pro. I love it. Everything is wonderful, and once Snow Leopard is out it will be even more awesome with Exchange integration. What is most awesome most recently is this: I went to install a printer on the network, and as soon as I clicked the add-printer button, the printer instantly showed up on the drop-down through Bonjour. I clicked install, done. Awesome. I love it!