Explore Your World

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Raw Diet: Day 0

Today I sampled the life of the raw diet, and it was painful. I had a Bumblebar for breakfast followed by green tea (caffeinated) at work. Lunch was a salad (no meat or croutons, dressing of oil/vinegar). Dinner included two apples and a cucumber. Around 10 PM I had a tasty desert of a coconut bar.

OK, so it was pretty bland, and you need to stick with a raw diet for several days before you'll start the detox process. That's what next week is for. Starting on Monday, it's raw 100%. I have picked up a few books to help with my food preparation, since I would probably shoot myself if I ate only apples and oranges. My goal with this diet is to rapidly lose weight, feel healthier, have more energy, and even have better skin. My ultimate nefarious goal is to eliminate these horrible headaches I've had for years. While they may be psychological in nature, diet is possibly a cause for them.

I'm going to take pictures of my face each day so I can watch the progression of skin and hopefully capture it. I'm using a nice Nikon D80 camera so that should allow me to capture good samples. I will be noting everything here for you, oh bloggers, so that some day if someone else wishes to go raw and hear of my experiences, they will have a real set of blog entries to follow.


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