Explore Your World

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Juice Feast complete!

I decided to call off my juice feast early by approximately 48 hours. Why? Well, I had plateau'd in terms of weight loss, and I'm going to be eating at Pure Food and Wine this Thursday. Rather than give myself only 24 hours to prepare for this lovely night, I decided to warm up the engine early.

I did not have prunes as most feasters do when they go for 92 days. I, instead, had some watermelon, and it was delicious. A few minutes after initial consumption, I could feel some discomfort in my stomach, almost a mild burn. It's past now, but I can almost feel the watermelon moving through my belly. I'm really excited to get my digestive system back on track!

Tomorrow I'm heading out of town at 0600 so I won't have time to get my morning wheatgrass, but I did really enjoy it and would like to continue taking wheatgrass juice daily with fresh OJ.

I'll probably post more on my transition back to solid food over the week. I'm excited to start my P90X next week!


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