Explore Your World

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Day 26 - back in the Shire

My weight seems to be stabilizing at 185 lbs (184.4 this morning). I have 4 more days before switching to solid raw vegan food, but I have a feeling I've dumped most of the water weight badness in my system and 185/15%BF is my baseline. The only thing to do now is hit up some cardio and then start serious workout once I'm back on solid foods.

I'm not really craving any more juices now except for my staple wheatgrass w/ OJ chaser. I could drink that every day, several times each day. Definitely with the fresh orange juice, of course. I still don't enjoy wheatgrass flavor much without the delicious citrus chaser.

I do feel a little bit odd here and there, now, almost like my body is struggling to expel more toxins internally. It's not a threatening, oh-my-god-I-need-fiber sort of feeling, but something worth noting. I have a feeling I'm still a long ways away from proper detox, but with an intense workout like P90X and a raw or high raw diet (90%), my system should burn through old cells quite fast, and with another few hydrotherapy sessions I should be even leaner.

Off to the office now (where else would I go on a Saturday?) so I'll get my wheatgrass/OJ on the way care of Whole Foods. I'm not caring for the other juices they make, so I guess I'll just juice my own stuff and drink lots of coconut water.


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