Explore Your World

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 23 - meh

I'm sad I am still juicing this Friday when my return flight is first class on Virgin America. Then again, it was the only seat left in the house so I had no other option. Maybe I'll just load up on wine to ignore the pains of not getting to enjoy the tasty meals there.

I'm sure I'm down to around 185 lbs now, or will be by then. But I'm definitely bored of this. I'd love to enjoy some pineapple or watermelon!


  • At 4:52 PM , Blogger Penni said...

    Believe me, I'm hanging by a thread here on Day 82, yet I am so close now to the goal that I have to finish. I would probably start crying at Pure Food & Wine right now...that place is totally orgasmic in every way. PLEASE right to me and let me know all about your meal, won't you? I'm such a raw food voyeur right now ;->


  • At 4:53 PM , Blogger Penni said...

    I meant write. meh.

  • At 10:50 PM , Blogger Mikey said...

    Will do Penni!


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