Explore Your World

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My First Kipping Pullup!

I was sick for almost two weeks recently, and today I finally got back into Crossfit. I loved seeing the crew again and all the new faces of people in Foundations. While I was sick, all I could think about was doing a full kipping pullup so I studied the videos and imagined what it would be like to perform one.

Today, I did my first kipping pullup. BOOM!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pizza = so bad

I was on a business trip the past few days to Cornell recruiting some undergraduate talent, and of course I had to have some Wings over Ithaca, some Collegetown Pizza, and Wegman's subs.

Bad idea.

I felt terrible for the next 24 hours and my CrossFit today sucked. I could barely push press and was nauseous most of the time. Good thing these recruiting trips are only once/year.

I'm glad to be back on my high raw Paleo diet. I haven't fully defined what this means, but I'm gathering it means the majority of my food is from vegetables, a lesser amount from fruits, and a lesser amount from animal meats. No dairy, no pastas, no rice, no bread, no worries.

Right now I'm going to ice myself down as I'm feeling pretty beaten up!