Explore Your World

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My First Kipping Pullup!

I was sick for almost two weeks recently, and today I finally got back into Crossfit. I loved seeing the crew again and all the new faces of people in Foundations. While I was sick, all I could think about was doing a full kipping pullup so I studied the videos and imagined what it would be like to perform one.

Today, I did my first kipping pullup. BOOM!


  • At 7:59 PM , Blogger huey said...

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  • At 8:03 PM , Blogger huey said...

    No pictures?

    I mean, you can watch me push jerk here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXBjPImr6Ls

  • At 3:28 PM , Blogger Mikey said...

    I was never able to do it before though! It was huge for me. Today I did TWO in a row! On the third one my hands really started hurting.

    Troy changed my mindset:

    Before, I _had_ to get it right.
    Now, I WANT to get it right!


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