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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Veganity -- One Week In

Overall I've found veganity to be relatively painless, but I can totally see how people can become fat vegans. In one week I'm up five pounds, and over the weekend I had a whole lot of potato chips due to lack of veggies where I was staying. Fortunately when I'm not actually on the road I do a pretty decent job of the high-raw/all-vegan diet of fruit at breakfast, salad during the day, maybe an apple here or there, a big green smoothie after any workout, and some light cooked vegan meal for dinner.

I've been sick for the last few weeks so I haven't been working out much, which blows, but this week I'm looking to get back into things. I'm planning to wake up every morning at 8 AM, hit the nearby track for some high intensity interval training, followed with pushups (I'm going to restart the 100 pushup challenge at week 4), and hopefully kipping pullups. (not sure if there is a pullup bar at the track)

I'm also going to check out the nearby Brazilian Jiu Jitsu places to get a taste for the school culture and the overall program. BJJ is a ridiculous workout--everyone I've seen who's a student in BJJ is ripped like a mofo and every time I've ever wrestled I've usually been drenched in sweat within a few minutes. A combination of HIIT and BJJ on top of the HRAV diet should lead to a significantly reduced bodyfat percentage in a relatively short amount of time -- i.e., under a month. I'll keep you posted.


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