Explore Your World

Friday, February 26, 2010

Returning to CrossFit!

I've been out of the CrossFit game for the last six months as I seriously damaged my right rotator cuff back in the summer. Today is my first WOD which consists of:

Thrusters (95/65lb)
30 Deadlifts at 225lb/155lb
No rest between the last set of burpees and 30 deadlifts.

I have a feeling I'll be in some pain afterward but that is to be expected.

The bigger question I am concerned about is diet -- should I go back to Paleo or stick to my pesco-vegan diet? I fundamentally like the ideas behind a plant-based diet much more, and the science is overwhelming supporting the idea that plant-based diets basically eliminate your risk of heart disease (stress is your own problem), and also significantly reduce chances of cancer, asthma, osteoporosis... yadayada. However, I've found that implementing and sticking with a plant-based diet takes a lot more effort and planning -- not exactly the type of planning/effort I'm fully committed to at this point in my life. If I go back to Paleo, I will definitely miss the smooth skin, smooth, ummm, jettisons of waste, and peace of mind I get from organic products. Then again finding grass-fed beef and happily raised chickens is an odyssey in and of itself.

To hell with it... I'll just see if I survive the WOD today.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Dear Nintendo

Dear Nintendo,

I used to love Nintendo. Back when I was a kid I would play NES and eventually SNES for hours and hours. At one point in middle school I was called the Wizard since I was the best kid at Nintendo. Since high school and afterward, I've since lost interest in most video games, but there are still plenty of classic games I would happily play again if I had a good medium for it.

Enter the iPhone 3.x with its support for hardware accessories.

Here's what you do to make a lot more cash with little work on your end: make a controller that plugs into the iPhone/iPod touch, feels like the SNES controller of old, and has a few added bonuses like a rumble box and (more importantly) additional power for the iPhone itself. Then, take a bunch of the NES/SNES games from the days of yore, add in some iPhone 3.x features (such as multiplayer via bluetooth), and start selling them on the store for $2 each.

It would be amazing -- I'd happily buy Excitebike, all of the Zeldas and Mario Brothers, and Street Fighters and Mortal Kombats. Nintendo benefits from creating all sorts of revenue it hasn't seen in years without having to really do anything new, and Nintendo wouldn't have to invest tons of money in hardware, which is usually a very tough business.

Open up the API for your device and I would imagine you'd see tons of other developers wanting to write for a standardized, high quality controller -- even Sega!