Explore Your World

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Returning to the Raw Vegan Diet...

I've been on it, off it, and now I want to commit to it until Christmas... and maybe longer. All I know is that I feel like crap eating normal SAD food. So tomorrow I will have an apple for breakfast followed by a green smoothie for lunch, or second breakfast. Lunch will most likely be a light salad, and I might throw in some raw chocolate as well.

The goal: make it until the beginning of my winter break to eat cooked food again... assuming I go back to cooked food. I don't know if I'll stay 100% raw forever, but I think eating a diet that is highly raw is a good idea.

I ordered a second kettlebell for work so if I feel tired, I can just go and do a quick workout. Sweeeeet. So I'm hoping to be swinging that 26lb kettlebell every day or so now.


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