Explore Your World

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Heading into day 20

I'm still a bit shocked that I've made it 20 days, but I am very proud of this fact. I'm down around 15 lbs since I started, and once I finish the juice feast, I know I will be able to burn off even more through my kickass workout routine combined with a high raw diet.

Theoretically, it is possible I will have a six pack before June 30. How wonderful would that be!

As a note for people who might want to try this out in the future too, I have not, for the record, experienced any major emotional or physical detox other than a few occasional headaches. I still feel somewhat lethargic, and I don't think I have super mental clarity or anything, but I am still hopeful because I know my body is doing all sorts of internal cleansing right now. The glow will have to come later.

It is, on the plus side, a lot easier to be raw when you're juicing. While I admit it's boring and loses its appeal after a while, limiting my food intake to only juice does reduce temptations, and nowadays my craving to eat solid food (or cooked food for that matter) is much less.

I know I will eat cooked foods again some day -- including meat and dairy. But I know also that I will eat them in much smaller proportions. Until that day comes, let's stay the course and get that six-pack back!


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