Explore Your World

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 19 - hydrotherapy!

I just had my first experience with colonic hydrotherapy. I had read about it from several juicers, and it sounded like an interesting experience, so I signed up with someone nearby the Shire and tried it out. Immediately I knew I was in good hands when my therapist was non-American (Russian, in fact). I always like seeking medical attention, personal training, or any form of professional assistance related to my health, from non-Americans. I don't know why but the foreigners always tend to care more about me than about getting through this appointment and onto the next. I guess I shall seek foreigners out exclusively!

Anyway, she was very friendly and sociable, and full of energy. It was at first a little awkward, and then nothing was happening for the first 15 minutes or so, but then the floodgates opened and I started my release. Because of the juicing, it took a while for the good stuff (by that I mean bad stuff) to make its way out, but it felt great letting it all go.

How do I feel now? I definitely feel lighter. My belly is still bloated more than I like, but I definitely would like to continue the hydrotherapy over the next few weeks, even when I switch back to a high/100% raw diet.


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