Explore Your World

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Initial Thoughts

It's been a few hours since I ended the feast. I actually wasn't terribly hungry, but I felt the need to eat solid food to get the system up and running again. I had some pineapple, some watermelon, and then some of these spicy nori crackers with this raw salsa. Pretty good.

Tomorrow's breakfast includes 1-2 apples. I'll get some wheatgrass juice when I get to Mordor.

I feel good, and I'm glad to have made it almost a full 30 days. Right now I'm going to be in transition this week, getting used to solids again, and figuring out how my body adjusts to it. On Monday of next week, I start into P90X. Giddy up.

I am hoping that continued raw vegan combined with intense workout leads to this physical detox people talk about. We shall have to see! I am curious. I am hopeful that the concept of every day as an adventure becomes my mantra, and every experience and person becomes unique. My life is so blurred in work that I often forget what the world is like when you don't work 90-100 hours/week every week.


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