Explore Your World

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Phase 2 starts soon

While it does feel great to be saving the world each day, I embarked upon this little quest of juice feasting to improve the physical component of my life (and also to allow myself to push for longer stretches of work on lesser calories -- yes, most of us at my company will do almost anything for it). The 30 days of juicing has completed (well, 28, but who's counting?) and now it's time to shift into Phase 2:
  • P90X workout routine
  • Primarily raw vegan diet (in some cases, paleolithic diet will be acceptable as an alternative)
I'll be only a mile from the nearest Whole Foods, I've got a juicer and a blender, and I'm going to learn how to grow wheatgrass. :-) After a month or so, I intend to start listening to my Holosync CDs again. (I had interesting reactions from using them, but I was unable to stay consistent with them given my schedule)

I never would have thought one could a job so much. An old friend of mine used to say if you love what you do, then you'll never work a day in your life. I know what she meant now: I don't feel like I'm working, I feel like I'm doing something for the greater good of all mankind. My only challenge is to integrate a physical health plan (the MS Health plan, as I call it) into the mix. I know I can do it because I have deemed it necessary for success.

I'm down in Houston right now hanging out with my cousin; he just had his 45th birthday party extravaganza with something like 100 people in the house. It was crazy. Now we're watching Sahara (badass film!) and I'm remembering what I can't wait to do in a few years. Study history, travel, hunt treasure. At this rate it's a mathematical certainty, unless I get hit by a bus (and let's hope not).


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