Explore Your World

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So what's in it for 2009?

This is the time where every blogger out there will lay out his goals for the new year, so as I'm chilling in this internet cafe in Manila on Jan 1 at 4 PM, I'm deciding what I should aim for in 2009. I'm also a bit hung over from partying until 6 AM at Embassy, which I think is the most elaborate club I've ever seen. The Asians sure know how to party.

By the way, this place is amazingly cheap but still high quality. I've bought way too many interesting clothes out here for dirt cheap -- the only thing I went overboard on was a $100 Armani shirt that was a fantastic purple. Those damn purple shirts are still my weakness! But everything else is mad cheap: I'm about to get an hour long massage for about $30, and that's inside a private villa with my own shower and jacuzzi. And condos/houses here are amazing and cheap, something like $300,000 is living like royalty.

So goals -- I'm going to keep mine simple. Most of my life is still dominated by work, but I think with correct use of GTD I could still keep the right amount of time on health. I'm going to be exercising 5-6 times/week, primarily focused on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. In terms of health, I'm returning to my HRAV diet (high raw, all vegan). As you all know, I'm a huge fan of a whole-foods, plant-based diet. Just read the China Study. I think I am personally funding Dr. Campbell's retirement as I have ordered over two dozen copies for friends over 2008.

OK, my internet time is running out here... gotta run, talk to you later. Hello 2009.


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