Explore Your World

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Nov 1st Update

I'm waiting for my flight back to the Shire and thinking of my current situation. Diet is on track again, after my weekly gorge (yesterday), I'm very excited to get back to black beans, broccoli, and the wonderful quinoa.

Sinuses are still infected but I am noticing some difference from my nerves. Different signals suggest there is still a lot of stuff going on in there, and there is still a bunch of stuff coming out. I see the ENT again in a few weeks so then we'll see how things are going. I have not yet felt like the heavens have opened and all my pain in my face has gone away; rather, I still feel like someone shoved their fist inside my face right behind my eyes, grabbed onto my sinuses, and have squeezed really tightly. Yes, that's my life.

Workout has been on hold for the last few weeks due to surgery. Hopefully I can return to the game this week; I just need to figure out what exercise I can do with a broken right big toe and a damaged right rotator cuff. I'm thinking I'll just stick with the erg 3x/week and weightlifting 3x/week. I do want to add in yoga 2x/week so maybe I'll have long Tue/Thu workouts (~10K on the erg, then 75 minutes of yoga). We'll see -- I still don't feel I should be lifting too much weight.

On a good trajectory though, I'm looking forward to getting back into the game.


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