Explore Your World

Saturday, December 05, 2009


Today's my weekly cheat day so after my morning 10K (damper on 5, 43:52, splits at 2:11 avg) I loaded up on some pho, filled with those wonderful non-Paleo carbohydrates. I'm going to load up on a few more thousand calories today until I feel disgusted to my stomach (almost there now anyway).

Tomorrow I'm going to do a water fast and see if I could pick up a regular intermittent fasting routine (every Sunday). Partially due to possible health benefits, but also because I'm lazy and not cooking on Sundays sounds good and will save me some money. I've done water fasts before but never considered it a weekly (or biweekly routine), but what have I got to lose?

Some possible good news came this week too: I saw my ENT on Tuesday and she gasped when see saw all the infection inside my sinuses. She suspects I was reinfected sometime during my recovery and this could potentially be explaining my pain. I'm back on anti-inflammatories (Prednisone) and antiobiotics (Cipro for now). On Monday we'll have the culture results and can change the meds accordingly. So there is hope still!

Lowest weight this week was 201.1 lbs and 18.5% BF. I'm a little disappointed at my slower weight loss progress despite strict diet and intense cardio burn, but perhaps I'm gaining muscle so weight itself isn't as relevant? I was always skeptical at how quickly I could lose weight in the past by sheer diet (and then my suspicions were reaffirmed when I would gain it all back within a week on normal diet), so I think I'm on a slower, more dedicated roll to a leaner body.


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