Explore Your World

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Amazon.com MP3 Downloads

I'm not making any money by saying this, but I just found out about Amazon.com's MP3 Download service. I've been happily using iTunes a few times for music since I bought my MacBook, but I really despise having to "authorize" using my music, or knowing that I can only play it on a certain number of machines. So as you can imagine, I was thrilled to find I can download a huge subset of the iTunes library at a reduced cost through Amazon.com's service -- and it integrates directly into iTunes, including bringing artwork. (I love the cover flow thing!) And they have the software plugin for the Mac. It's pretty painless!

Again, the best part is that the songs are MP3, i.e. DRM-free. When I buy a song, I should have complete legal right to do with it whatever the hell I want. Thank you, Amazon.


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