Explore Your World

Friday, December 07, 2007

Diet Restart -- Take #42

I've failed on this diet and restarted so many times that I chuckle just thinking of it. The problem is that I feel a lot healthier when I'm eating raw foods, so I always want to return to it. I had a cheeseburger the other day and fries, and afterward I felt like I had a brick in my stomach. And I've put on probably 15 lbs again. It's that fast!

I've only made 30 days on a 100% raw vegan diet (well, I'm sure it was something like 98% but who's counting?). I can maintain raw vegan when I'm in California, but when I'm traveling and meeting with customers, it's damn near impossible. I was in London two weeks ago and I don't think I had a single vegetable while I was there -- it was legitimately tough to find them!

So today I am returning to California and I get two full weeks at home! I'm so excited to be in Palo Alto where I can control my dietary intake, I can go out and hang out with friends, and I can enjoy the lovely sunshine we enjoy in Silicon Valley. After that I'm off to Costa Rica with the family! Who knows, if I can maintain raw vegan for two weeks, work out regularly, and swing my kettlebell every day, I might make a nice dent! How wonderful would it be if I could maintain 95% raw for the next six months? I could finally prove to myself if the benefits of raw vegan were in fact true.


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