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Sunday, December 02, 2007

New Macbook, New Playlists

I'm totally an Apple whore. I personally own a new black Macbook, an iPod nano (black), and an iPod shuffle (purple). At work I am now using a new Mac Pro for video editing, and I await the day I can get an iPhone for work. (awaiting security in the phone... this might take a while)

With the new Macbook, I've decided to clean up my music list to utilize Cover Flow. This is also a great opportunity to triage my uber music collection and throw away stuff I don't care for anymore.

I'm up to 305 songs! It's taking me a while but I really like the visuals of having artwork for each album, and also having as much metadata as possible completed for each song. It's quite exciting, as you can tell. I've been buying a few more songs as well from iTunes (unfortunately all the songs I bought are not the iTunes "plus" songs, so sadly each song I'm buying is DRM-protected).

At this rate, some time in 2011 I'll have complete album art!


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