Explore Your World

Monday, May 05, 2008

Day 7 - Wheatgrass will save

I've been reading Ann Wigmore's The Wheatgrass Book casually in the past few days, and I'm completely stoked about the power of wheatgrass. I've added it to my daily morning intake in California and Florida and I'm searching for places that make wheatgrass shots in DC. Besides the numerous cited benefits of ingesting wheatgrass, I notice an energy boost within minutes of drinking it! I can understand how Barbara Moore could hike across the US by eating only grasses and a few raw fruits and veggies, and I also think wheatgrass might be a fundamental part of my diet here moving forward. I'm even thinking of growing it -- too bad I travel 90% of my time now, making it hard to sustain plant life.

The only problem is the taste--I'm not a fan. I always chase it with an orange peel or orange juice, but perhaps it will grow on me. If the benefits end up being as wonderful as they claim, I'll get used to it, much as humans have gotten used to cheese and meat.


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