Explore Your World

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Day 3 - Onward!

Being in Florida this week has been great for me, as I've been alone on the road and only had myself to eat with, which means no temptations for eating per the standard American diet. Today mark's my third consecutive day at only juice. I've cheated in the sense that I've had 1-2 cups of black coffee each day and also have had NoDoze and/or Adrafinil to keep myself awake. As I've said before, where I go for work I can't leave until the day is over, so there is no quick jump to the nearby juice bar for a lifter-upper. On the plus side, I've made it three full days without problems. On the down side, I haven't been able to get as many greens as I'd like (the juice bar only has cucumber and celery for greens; in fact I think I'm one of the only patrons there who gets juice, as most only get smoothies).

I feel great to have made it this far. On a detox note, one trip to the urinal today resulted in probably the worst smell of my own urine I can recall, so I'll chalk that one up to detox for now. I've had minor headaches in the past day or two and a few bouts of lethargy, but overall I'm humming along quite well. I think my 5-6 hours of sleep each night (due to high workloads, not because I have so much energy) has made things more interesting.

Tomorrow evening I return to DC and will continue juicing over the weekend. If things go well enough, I'll be on P90X next week.


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