Explore Your World

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Life is so friggin' good

I'm just so happy with life right now. The decisions I've made in the last year have rocked my world, and I am so much better for them all. Before I left Seattle, I told my elite inner circle that I would return victorious, or not at all. It hasn't been a year since I left and already I'm almost to that goal.

Also, a few months ago I was driving along the roads of Mordor and realized my life plan for the next ten years. It just occurred to me. I know exactly what I need to do now and how I'm going to get there. Ever since then, I've just been so happy with everything! There is no more doubt in my mind about what I'm going to be doing in the future, and it's all been materializing over the last year until that one burp of discovery.

I suppose the greater part of that discovery was learning to love myself more as a result. For many years I thought I needed someone else--a family member, a lover, a best friend--to be happy. But being on the road so much and working non-stop has forced me to get to know myself better and learn how I can live with myself and only myself.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the company of others, but I'm no longer uncomfortable not being around others. And it's only going to get better.


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