Explore Your World

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Reason to Use Mass Transit

I just paid off a $200 using-your-cell-phone-in-DC violation and a $182 15-miles-over-the-speed-limit-in-yuppy-Arlington ticket. Combine that with the hundreds of dollars I've paid Palo Alto for parking tickets at my home (literally, just leaving the car there as I traveled so much) with the occasional towing of said car because of some arbitrary street work done, and I've spent over $1,000 in the last six months in some form of stupid city violation.

All in all, I'm super happy I'm using the DC metro a lot these days for getting to/from work, and I'm even happier I sold my car in California since I don't need that additional headache anymore. Let's not forget gas prices will be topping $5/gallon across the nation for premium within a couple of months, and you've got yourself an even more compelling case for mass transit.

It feels good! I think I could stick with this for a while. Cabs are relatively cheap and taking the metro is quite enjoyable since I get to read my books, meditate, plan out my day, etc. Game on.


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