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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Second Sinusian War

The three first legions have failed to defeat the defenders inside my sinuses. Augmentin, the favored force, was the greatest disappointment and has been withdrawn. The doctor has decided to keep pressure on the force with Nasonex and Neti, while replacing Augmentin with Levaquin.

However, I still have my doubts. I fear we may have no choice but to go to the last ditch effort, a surgical strike. We'll see how Levaquin puts up a fight this week and through the rest of this, the Second Sinusian War.

I can't imagine how life would feel like if I didn't have this sinus pain. You have no idea what I'm talking about but I could try to explain. Imagine putting a tight band over your forehead and keeping it there... permanently. While you're doing that, put an additional band across your cheekbones and also keeping it there permanently. Bad diet or smoking makes it worse, but nothing makes it go away. Yes, that's my life. Perhaps now you can understand why I don't really care about anything else right now.


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