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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The Super Detox

Well, here we are a week later and the cipro + prednisone cocktail is still not working. I still have green discharge, I'm still feeling terrible upstairs, and I still feel like I did for the eight years prior to my surgery. I am switching to another antibiotic today, but another idea hit me on the drive back: the super detox.

I had thought of this a long time ago but never acted on it. Basically the idea would be a 4-5 day period where I would be on the most hard-core diet I had ever experienced doing all sorts of healthy detoxifying programs during the day, and I think now that I have a 5-day window over the holidays before my travel starts up again, I can act on it. Here are the thoughts:
  • Diet is the "wheatgrass fast". From the last 1.5 years of diet change, I recall fondly how when I was on daily wheatgrass that I felt very good, and I remember a brief moment driving along the GW thinking that my sinuses were feeling better. I also recall reading about the "wheatgrass fast" back in early 2008 which basically means wheatgrass and water for 3+ days straight. So, I'm going to get myself a wheatgrass juicer and enough wheatgrass to last a few days, and drink that and only that. It might be acceptable to have some fresh squeezed orange juice to help get it down the stomach. The purported anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory benefits of wheatgrass make it a perfect alternative to the drug path I'm currently on.
  • Daily yoga, most likely Bikram yoga for the intense sweating/detoxifying element.
  • Shower/sauna daily? Relaxing and detoxifying as well.
  • A very nice long massage to tie it all together at the end.
  • Perhaps meditation CDs? I might be pretty sick of detoxifying all day so maybe I will just work my way through my netflix queue instead of doing more meditating.
Anyway I think this is a great idea... time to iterate on it.


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