Explore Your World

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 17 - consuming less

I've been locked away inside buildings again all day, from 0700 to 2100 tonight. Before I went I had 4oz of fresh wheatgrass juice and 16oz of ginger snap (orange + carrot + ginger). An hour later I started into 1L of coconut water. Through the rest of the day I had 2 more liters of coconut water, and I sucked on some pineapple slices (again) to get some juice out of them. Eventually I was running very low on energy, so I popped an adrafinil/nodoze cocktail. I really don't like taking those, but I need something to keep me going. I don't think it's the raw part that's making me so tired; I think it's 4 hours of sleep 5 nights in a row.

I'm heading back to the Shire tomorrow night and should have a few nights with my comrades. I'm a little shocked that today is day 17 -- but I'm still super excited to start eating some pineapples and watermelon. I can't wait... and I can start into my workout routine!



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