Explore Your World

Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 15 - 0100

Very tired but can't sleep for some reason. Have to be up in 5 hours. *sniffle* Never would have thought a year ago I'd be doing this -- probably wouldn't have believed you if you told me then.

I'm not sure if this is some crazy calorie restriction benefit, or perhaps simply a rush of adrenaline from the excitement that is my job and what we are doing. Or maybe I'm thinking about my glorious return to California so I can finally see everyone in the Shire again.

There are so many colors in the rainbow,
So many colors in the morning sun,
So many colors in a flower,
And I see every one!

I do miss the Shire and all of my friends there, but fortunately most of my team is out at Rivendell this week. It's like I'm on vacation seeing everyone working together so closely!


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