Explore Your World

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 19 - time is flying by!

I just got back to the Shire, but I think my scale is broken. According to it, I am now 187 lbs and 10% bodyfat. This is a nice measurement but must be off significantly. While I understand the BF% being off, I don't understand the weight itself being off, as this is a relatively accurate measurement means.

Oh well, today starts day 19 (it's almost 2 AM). I've got another 11 days and then I can have solid foods again. I am really proud of myself for making it this far and not succumbing to eating solids -- especially for the past week as I was locked in a building and couldn't get access to anything other than my morning juice. This weekend I'll be working hard in the Shire (we never stop working), but I'll get a chance to increase my juice intake.

Also tomorrow I have my first (possibly only) hydrotherapy session. I intend to weigh myself beforehand and afterward to see how things change. I'm excited! Now I must try to get some rest: I managed 30 minutes of sleep on the plane home and now I'm wide awake. Perhaps it's the raw power?

Goodnight everyone.


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