Explore Your World

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Day 9 - thinking about solid food

A good friend of mine from Seattle is in town next week and wants to meet up. Of course, the obvious action would be dinner somewhere in the city. As soon as we had agreed to meet up, I began to think about what restaurants we could visit... but the strangest thing happened. Usually I appeal to my taste buds to see what they want, but in this case they had no feedback to give. I hadn't any interest in a steak or soup or pizza or pasta. No desire for Brazilian churrascaria nor Korean BBQ. While I'm still curious how I'm going to handle this, what's more interesting is that I have lost some of that immediate desire for solid food. Sure, I was craving a warm Cup O' Noodles today, but the cravings past and now I'm chillaxing with my veggie juice.

Wheatgrass is amazing. Tomorrow I'm going to try NOT using adrafinil (I've been using it daily to keep me awake). Let's hope for the best...


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