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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Crazy Sexy Cancer

I finally saw Crazy Sexy Cancer last night starring Kris Carr. I'll admit, the only reason I heard about it was because rumors from the raw food world suggested Kris had saved herself using raw foods. In the movie, it's pretty obvious that the combination of wheatgrass and raw food did in fact lead to a healthy life that she continues to live. (I'm sure the yoga helped too)

It also touched me on a deeper level, as my mother died from cancer over ten years ago now. Back then, we really didn't know any better and the idea of alternative methods of treating cancer was foreign to me. Furthermore, the internet back in 1996 and 1997 was still very much a wild-wild west. And besides, "raw food"? Who the hell would eat fruits and vegetables all day?

In the movie, Kris decides she will do whatever it takes to fight cancer, and she goes on a several-year quest to find alternative methods of treating herself. In the end, she survives up through this day, and, as she says, she "finds herself." I suppose when death is staring right at you, you can either get busy living or get busy dying. (credit: Shawshank Redemption) While my mother didn't have the luxury of quitting her job and heading out to San Diego or Florida (she had four kids to support with little help from her ex-husband), she did fight a good fight for almost ten full years. Now that's a Spartan!

Anyway, it was a good movie and I would recommend it to anyone who has cancer or knows of someone who has cancer. I know if I ever had cancer I would drop everything, move to a warm place in Spain or Texas or Florida, and eat raw foods and meditate/do yoga all day. Fortunately, in theory, with all the wheatgrass I am consuming now, this shouldn't be a problem.


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