Explore Your World

Sunday, June 08, 2008

No more iTunes, let's go Amazon!

Today I realized how important it is to me to own my music without DRM, or at least to have them available in whatever format I want. I really wanted to buy the two Sahara soundtracks (one is songs, the other is the musical score). Neither of these were available on Amazon.com's MP3 Download service, but were on CD for a combined total of $32. iTunes had both, so I could have them instantly. I decided to order the CDs out to the Shire and import them into my MacBook.

That's pretty huge for me since I generally despise optical media, but what I despise more is not having my music available for me to use however I wish.

Also, I attended a college reunion last night. One of the girls commented I had changed the most of everyone else, so that means something to me. I was a different person back then...

Finally, on a sadder note, I violated my diet from Friday night until this morning. I don't feel too horrible about it as I'm going back to my raw vegan diet now, but I am upset that I've lost 36 hours of that amazing raw vegan power.

On the other hand, I was thinking about my diet on the drive back. My overall tendency is raw vegan with a few exceptions of cooked food. I think that's a pretty solid change of pace from my previous diets of all cooked food with the occasional fruit.

On that note, off to get some wheatgrass, some Kambucha, and some pineapple and watermelon! Mmmmmmm.


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