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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Day 10 - steaming ahead

The only big news today is that, for various reasons, I did not take my adrafinil + nodoze booster to keep me awake. I was feeling awfully tired between 1200-1400 but I got another wheatgrass 2oz lift at 1700 and now I'm pretty good.

I'm going to keep going -- it's getting a lot easier. I don't really miss eating solid food as much as I did a week ago, and I'm told around day 21 some major shifts will occur. I may have to break one day when my buddy from Seattle is in town, but a small bump in the road can't be too bad! I'm also going to fire up the P90X starting on Sunday. I've got my diet, I've got my workout clothes, I've got my wheatgrass and my bands, and I've got the raw power and determination to make it!


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