Explore Your World

Friday, May 09, 2008

Insert workout

Tonight concludes my 11th night of juice feasting, and it's time to step things up. Tomorrow I'm going to wake up between 0900-1000 and head to Rivendell to workout using my P90X. I've got all the tools and media, and now it's time to step up to the plate. Day 1 of P90X an intense 55 minute workout, but I figure the only way to speed up my metabolism and intensify detox is to start working out. I probably shouldn't push myself so far, but my slogan has become "go big or go home." Much like I told my friends when I left Seattle, I would return successful -- or not at all.

Those peanut butter-filled pretzels look damn tasty, but I'm going to hold my line out of sheer stubbornness! Onward through the fog! Bring it!


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