Explore Your World

Friday, May 09, 2008

Day 11 - bored

I'm on day 11. Had to pop an adrafinil this morning given the sleep deprivation. My job doesn't allow for weekends so there's no "rest" on Saturday or Sunday, so I keep on pushing by giving myself safe stimulants to keep on pushing until I detox enough to gain that insane energy the raw vegans always talk about.

I can keep this up for another 20 days, but frankly it's getting a bit boring. Juice every day, avoiding social interactions because of temptations, and missing the tasty solids foods available. Fortunately my hunger pangs aren't a problem, but juicing just seems boring at this point.

Anyway I'll keep pushing forward. Maybe something cool will come of it; they claim it takes around 21 days for a super duper breakthrough in a juicer's experiment for miraculous changes. 10 days to go. On the plus side, juicing is relatively easy -- and 2oz of wheatgrass twice per day is enough nutrients to keep one satisfied.

Weight: 198lbs
(for the record, around 190lbs my cheekbones will really begin to show)


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