Explore Your World

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Battle Plan!

I was trying to figure out how to proceed with this feast. Yes, I'm bored out of my mind, but I am enjoying the simplicity, weight loss, and slight energy boost I've experienced so far. However, it's not practical for me to go to 92 days because that's insane given my job requirements, and I really want to start working out again regularly and building muscle, which is tough without fiber -- even for a raw vegan. Furthermore, I think I might be even more bored for another two months when I could at least experiment with a few other raw foods, restaurants, etc.

I still want to work out, but I cannot start P90X until I am consuming solid foods again, especially the greens and fats. So what I will do is continue to juice but exercise daily on a more moderate level (~30 minutes, light cardio). This will, in theory, allow my body to burn more fat and narrow the distance between me and detox. I just used our elliptical machine for 35 minutes and feel wonderful! And burned 500 calories. Given that I'm consuming around 1,300 calories these days, that should divide and conquer on the fat. Once most of the fat and toxins are out, super duper energy levels should be right around the corner.

I feel like a general, plotting out the most effective way to crush my enemies.

So, O Caesar, here is my plan of attack. I am going to be in NYC for a recruiting event for the best company ever (my company!) on May 29. My juice feast ends on May 28. At the end of that day, I will start eating solid foods again, that night up into the next day when I will be in NYC. I will absolutely have to go to Pure Food and Wine because it's fantastic, so I will reward myself for 30 days juicing with that meal. Two days later I will be at a family event, where I am sure I will be thrown lots of naughty foods. This will be OK for a day or two, but then I return to start into my P90X using a primarily raw vegan diet. It may have some paleolithic components but I do want to avoid bread and rice if at all possible, and instead load up on green veggies, including wheatgrass juice!

I'm so glad the timing worked out well! This will also get me past the 21st day where super duper detox is supposed to happen. If it doesn't, well, I'll have another 9 days to hope for the best!


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