Explore Your World

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 5 Rhodiola - slight chest discomfort

On the flight today I had some slight chest discomfort, similar to what happened the last time I started into rhodiola rosea. I don't know of anyone else who has had this problem but I am hoping it's temporary. Last time I felt this, I stopped immediately, but given all the research I've done into this herb so far, there are almost no side effects so I am going to keep pushing and see what happens after day 21.

On the plus side, I woke out of bed this morning like I was ready for battle. No grogginess, just good to go. There was nothing special about my sleep, just a normal healthy eight hours. We'll see if this trend continues tomorrow. Right now I have a terrible headache.

Oh, I'm setting my sights on <10% bodyfat. I figure once I can crack 10%, I can start putting on muscle. Tonight I measured in around 13% so I need to burn that off. To do this I am going to do the following:

  • HIIT at least 6 days/week (this week is 4 intervals, next week is 5 intervals)
  • Increased protein in diet; in particular through the use of hemp protein powder
  • More green smoothies (2x/day now) including one after the HIIT
Let's see how this affects my trajectory.


  • At 9:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I agree adding more hemp protein because it has lots of fiber so the hemp protein absorbs into your body better than any other kind of protein. It is also easiest on your stomach than any protein supplement. I drink Marijuana Muscle protein 2 times a day and do not use any other supplement and have felt better than ever.


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