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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

P90X/Raw update - day 6

I just finished the 6th video today: Kenpo X. It was awesome, and just like he said in the video, by the time it was done I'd be all sweaty and missing it. I'm on day 3 at 100% raw (I broke over the weekend as per planned) and feeling good. Tomorrow is also all raw and then I believe I'm going to sushi for a recruiting lunch on Friday. My goal is to not be too dogmatic about my raw levels, but rather shift to a high raw lifestyle where I am primarily eating raw foods all the time, and perhaps once per week I violate for something, maybe even a slice of pizza if I'm in NY.

I feel good. The weight isn't dropping off as fast as when I was just raw and dieting, but I have a feeling muscle mass is going in and excess toxins/fat are burning out. My weight yesterday was 192, so perhaps I'll be lighter tomorrow. We'll see.

Working out on the front is really hard, and making time for an extra hour per day of exercise is very difficult. However, I decided my health was more important than anything else, and when it started going downhill, I decided to put a stop to it to save my life.

I do seem to have more energy! But let's see how things go over the next few weeks. I'm only rocking probably 65% efficiency with P90X and I hope to be up to 90% by the end of June.


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