Explore Your World

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Starting into the Rhodiola Rosea

So I started into the book on Rhodiola Rosea book last night and decided I would start taking it the next day. I can't resist, the health benefits are far too surreal to pass up on, plus the ramp-up time is about two weeks so I might as well get the ball rolling. However I decided if I'm going to have the Rhodiola, I'm going to trade out the NoDoze in my messenger bag. No matter how tired I feel, I will not have any NoDoze. I must get myself off that and I'm going cold turkey, come hell or high water.

I shall see how this works out!

Oh, also I bought a portable DVD player and radio headset yesterday so I can hook up my P90X videos to the gym TV and work out in there. Working out in the apartment made me feel nasty plus it would be disrespectful to my colleagues who are here as well.


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